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1:1 Personal Services

Get your journey started

Need a specific approach that requires 1:1 support? Choose from a selection of options below to meet your needs

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Lets get this show on the road

In a session, the focus is on being clear about identifying the issue so we can tackle it as fast as possible saving you time, pain and losses. I've worked with people on problems ranging from increasing confidence to being more empowered in business and personal life. 

Available Services

Book a FREE discovery call

20 minutes via Zoom to identify how I can help you and work out if this is a good fit for you

Book a bunch of 4 sessions 

Book 4 x 60-minute Zoom sessions to make a change and move towards an outcome that is important to you

Book a single session

Book a single 60-minute Zoom session to explore a single issue and get help moving towards an outcome that is important to you

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I pay for individual sessions or buy a package?

You can pay for individual sessions if you wish however I tend to find it's more useful to buy a package so that we can work on a problem or group of problems over time.  I try to ensure that each session builds upon whatever has been covered in the last unless new things have come up for you which need immediate attention either way we work together to identify the best course of action to get you taking steps towards achieving your desired outcome. 


What is your approach?

Throughout my career, I’ve found it useful to be integrative in my approach. I have studied and use a mixture of approaches including but not limited to the person-centred approach, Neuro-linguistic programming, guided visualisation and applied psychology.

How confidential are the sessions?

I am trained in and abide by the General Data Protection Regulations(GDPR) 2018. I've found that these are the most stringent data protection regulations in the world. 

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