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Personal Evolution Process

Do this every day for 14 days


PEP Daily Journal - Writing Guide


As you make yourself comfortable, start by thinking of the best part of the last 24 hours. 
Vividly imagine being back in the best part until you experience the good feelings. Stay in 
this state for the rest of the process (Resource Anchoring). If you enjoy it, you will want to 
do it more. Your job is to find out how to enjoy it. Briefly review the key parts of the day. 
This prepares you for the next two sections which are more important.


Learning Log (for the last 24 hours)
Here you can jot down whichever results you are most pleased with. Again, imagine these 
experiences fully until you achieve and maintain a positive emotional state (Resource 
Anchoring). In this state, see yourself in some of those experiences that did not go so well 
and ask yourself what you would have done differently if you were in that situation again. 
Allow yourself to be creative in imagining different possibilities and pick the option that you 
like the most. Imagine yourself behaving in that way (New Behaviour Generator). Also, in 
this section, write down notes to yourself on any useful learnings from any source such as 
conversations, books or tapes on personal development. Ideally you want to build up to 
an hour a day feeding your mind with positive “mindfood”.


Personal Evolution Outcomes
This is probably the most important single section. You are setting outcomes for yourself 
and how you want to be different in the coming 24 hours compared to the last 24 hours. 


Seven is the most commonly used number of outcomes here. As you think of each one, 
imagine it as vividly as you can, and as though it has already happened. Suspend 
disbeliefs. This section is very powerful because it operates at the level of self-image, self-
concept and identity. These repeated thoughts will tend to act as self-fulfilling prophecies. 
It is the very fact that these thoughts are different to how you have been, that causes the 
creative tension which allows your unconscious mind to lead you in more positive 


‘To Do’ Outcomes
This section focuses more on what you want to do, than on how you want to be. It 
includes any action you want to take to help you achieve your personal evolution 
outcomes. This might include, for example, physical exercise, or reading personal 
development books, or listening to personal development tapes. It will also include 
practical things that you just happen to think of as you contemplate the coming day. 
Again, seven is a good number for this section.


NB One of the best ways to learn this process is to teach it to others. Introduce the 
idea to a few of your friends or colleagues and teach them how to use it.

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