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Confidence to sell your services, with NLP

One of the things that has always interested me about the concept of 'confidence', is that its an intangible idea that means a different thing to everyone who says the word.

The one thing that it has in common for all who speak of it, is that there is an 'absence of fear' when you have it.

So lets focus in on the subejct of confidence to sell your service for a moment and how NLP can help with such a thing.

Assuming you have a service(X) to sell to an audience(Y), it is essential that you have as much key information about both X & Y in order to do a great job of selling X to Y, right?

Now, the absence of fear, can be helped through a variety of processes include:

  • well formed outcome - create clarity about what you want in advance so that you find it easier and more comforting to know you are going in the right direction

  • belief change - tackle limiting beliefs so that you find it easier to do all the new behaviours that will help you get the outcomes you want

  • new behaviour generator - mentally rehearsing future interactions so that your brain learns how to respond in advance.

You see, having the confidence you need to succeed is mainly a matter of finding ways to redfuce all the various fears you have, and training your brain to believe that this is super easy and that you have done this all before.

For more insights into how to use NLP to help you get ready for being the best you can be, sign up for FREE 20 min consult with me and lets talk about how i can help you through the power of NLP!

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